“Ljetopis” Ltd Podgorica is a private limited company of 13 employees with a high qualifying structures. The main activity of the company is wholesale trade in office and school supplies, bureau equipment, business accessories, as well as other consumer goods related to this branch of trade activities.

“Ljetopis” Ltd. Also provides services related to the promotional activities of our clients (press of various formats, engravings, tampon press, etc.) “Ljetopis” Ltd. continuously monitors events and conducts market research, perfecting its range of products based on demand.

We have quality business cooperation with a large number of customers on the territory of Montenegro and we are regular suppliers of country and municipality organs, commercial banks, other wholesalers, other bookstore networks and a large number of end users of goods from our sales assortment.

The recognition of the name of our company and the 50 year tradition speak volumes in favor of us being among the highest quality bidders of goods in this area of business.

The brand Ljetopis also has company Ljetopis Automotive Podgorica, which is an authorized importer and distributor for Mercedes-Benz vehicles in Montenegro, as well as Ljetopis Stars company which owns the 5 star Hotel in Petrovac which operates under AMI Hotel Budva Petrovac.


“Ljetopis” Ltd Podgorica is a private limited company of 13 employees with a high qualifying structures. The main activity of the company is wholesale trade in office and school supplies, bureau equipment, business accessories, as well as other consumer goods related to this branch of trade activities.

“Ljetopis” Ltd. Also provides services related to the promotional activities of our clients (press of various formats, engravings, tampon press, etc.) “Ljetopis” Ltd. continuously monitors events and conducts market research, perfecting its range of products based on demand.

We have quality business cooperation with a large number of customers on the territory of Montenegro and we are regular suppliers of country and municipality organs, commercial banks, other wholesalers, other bookstore networks and a large number of end users of goods from our sales assortment.

The recognition of the name of our company and the 50 year tradition speak volumes in favor of us being among the highest quality bidders of goods in this area of business.

The brand Ljetopis also has company Ljetopis Automotive Podgorica, which is an authorized importer and distributor for Mercedes-Benz vehicles in Montenegro, as well as Ljetopis Stars company which owns the 5 star Hotel in Petrovac which operates under AMI Hotel Budva Petrovac.

Brands on offer
Items at all times


Wholesale is spread over 1000m2, in which there are over 1200 items at all times, so we can comply with customer requirements at any time regarding the assortment and quantity of goods.

Our transport network always gives a guarantee for FAST, EFFICIENT and FREE delivery of goods.